Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A time to be happy is now and the place to be happy is here!

My spirit is always up listening to the above line nursery rhyme song, not the film though (Even the film lol). This was way back in my childhood days. Now matured enough beginning to know the true meaning of life. As Adams smith had rightly quoted that : "Human wants are unlimited” I really began to believe that, assuming life to be thrive for more with no satisfaction, no ends. I began asking myself, “When and how to be happy at this situation?” well this lines are some of the thoughts which enlightened me :-)

Looking carefully at our life journey on earth. We think that life will be better after I get this dreamt lady and get married, have an offspring. Then it happened so, we are living with no content.

After that, we’re frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. Thinking that we will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire.

The truth is, there’s no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when?

Your life will always be filled with challenges. It’s best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred D. Souza. He said, “For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.”

This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness! Happiness is the way which you have to move along with it. So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time…and remember that time waits for no one.

So, stop waiting until your graduation, until you lose ten pounds (for the ladies) hehe, until you gain ten pounds (for me huh), until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get a new car or home, until fall, until winter, until you are off welfare, until you’ve sobered up, until you die, until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.

"Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
Work like you don’t need money,
Love like you’ve never been hurt,
And dance like no one’s watching."

A time to be happy is now and the place to be happy is here

Here to conclude with i may borrow Dale Carnegie words “It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.”

God has given each of us a “gift” that we are to use to glorify His name! Do
you know yours?



Jinx said...

He movie hi keipoh ka en lai chuan 'happy ending' ni mahse, harsatna inzul zut a toh lai kha hahthlak tops.

Mahse i soi ang khian, lomna tak tak hi lo omlo ani e. Engkima lawm/lawmna hmu thiam hi an nihlawh ber mai.

sawmpuia said...

He film kan en kan serious ltk, kan enzo chu ka ni deuh nghulh vek nia. NIa hlimna chu a tehna thinlung atang vekin a ni e :-)

Puii said...

Ka agree khawp i ziah hi, ka chhiar pah pawn ka bu nghauh2 mai! Khawvel taka ngaihtuah phei chuan hlimna tak2 hi pawh a har a niang e..i sawi ang khan tun hun hi a pawimawh ber a, kan present state a kan hlim tawp hian future atan pawh more happiness a siam thei in ka hria. What matters is how this little heart inside each one of us view what happiness really is! btw this movie makes you really expands your imagination!!

Aduhi Chawngthu said...

carpe diem!!!

sawmpuia said...

@puii: Kan ngaihdan a in ang a nih chu :-)
@aduhi: Thanks for putting in a small word.

Almostunreal said...

great post :)

tun lai ka rilru lian lubux

we dreamt of having something, someone which sometimes left sad, etc etc

soi duah lo mai ang

sawmpuia said...

@almost unreal: One day at a time tih leh hnehtheihloh neih zir hi tha viau!